Psyche Design
Psyche Design
Change, The Nature of Self Discovery, & The Transcendent Function

Change, The Nature of Self Discovery, & The Transcendent Function

S2E4 Psyche Design

Hello there and Happy New Year! Today, I recorded an episode all about Change. Change is a necessary aspect of the self-discovery journey. While many seek self-development to find more security in themselves, you may find that that through the pursuit of stability — you will also find change. In fact, change is the only constant. True security comes from the full embrace of one’s creative potential, and learning to work with that energy. Listen here, on Spotify or iTunes, or wherever you get your podcast. Or, check out the conversation on YouTube.

Change, The Nature of Self Discovery, & The Transcendent Function:

Currently, I am in a state of flux. I began the year with a lot of endings, and am starting this new one with new beginnings. It has felt difficult to share as often as I’d like when I’m in-between worlds. The goalposts keep moving, as new values are solidified and priorities shift. Showing up as myself has felt awkward and clunky, as I’m still in the middle of shedding old skin.

This episode discusses change as it relates to the self-discovery process as well as Jung’s transcendent function. But on a personal level, I am in the thick of it. Change in my personal life and inconsistent surroundings has made it feel nearly impossible to show up online consistently. It feels lame to feel the need to apologize for that, but here I am. The ideas in this episode may be universally applicable to many things, but they also describe how I have been feeling about the act of content creation itself.

That being said, I am excited to breathe new life into my creative projects in 2023. In order to do that, some things may need to die first. A lot of that “death” involves pressure I have put on myself. It involves releasing aspects of my identity that my ego has become too attached to.

On top of that, the media landscape is changing tremendously — as well as how we interact with digital tools It’s easy for last year’s goals, or even last month’s marketing tactics, to begin to feel stale. When you combine that with interpersonal change, the whole thing can get confusing. I’m in the process of building systems that are a bit more flexible, to prevent setting goals that end up making me feel trapped in the future. As I figure out how I’d like to communicate these things, I will continue to share them here. Thanks for tagging along, even though I feel like a bit of a mess. <3

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Psyche Design
Psyche Design
Exploring the psyche, one spiral step at a time.
Psyche Design is a podcast about all things individuation. The journey back to the Self is the process of casting light upon our shadows, over and over again. The goal is to have conversations that empower 1) stronger integrity within individuals and 2) greater solidarity between people and groups. Topics include Jungian personality theory, as well as general spirituality, philosophy, and psychology.